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    2017-01-18 11:45:58   转载

    建平镇地处辽宁西部边陲,是建平县中部最大的乡镇,总面积 43.3 万亩,其中耕地面积 11.7 万亩,有 9 万亩耕地适宜马铃薯生长。每年全镇马铃薯种植面积都在 5 万亩左右,其中种植有机马铃薯 1 万亩左右。平均单产在 1500 公斤 左右,与周边乡镇构成辽西最大的马铃薯主产区。全镇有马铃薯鲜贮窑 5000 多个,鲜贮能力 12 万吨, 2000 年被中国地区发展促进会命名为中国—建平马铃薯生产基地。 2003 年的被县政府命名为马铃薯生产专业镇。 2004 年在辽宁首届国际农产品交易会上,“王冠”牌马铃薯荣获优质农产品奖。

      进入新世纪以来,我们从镇情出发,运用新型工业化理念重新谋划了全镇的经济发展思路,确立了以薯立镇,建设马铃薯之乡的发展战略,规划建设 1100 亩马铃薯加工销售园区,并全面实施种薯繁育和马铃薯深加工项目,计划用两三年的时间把我镇建成辽西最大的脱毒马铃薯、种薯繁育基地、有机马铃薯淀粉、粉条生产基地。

      The Jianping town to be situated at west Liaoning the border region, is middle the Jianping county the biggest villages and towns ,the total area 433.000 Chinese acres, cultivated area 117,000 Chinese acres, some 90,000 Chinese acres cultivated land are suitable the potato growth. Every year entire town potato sown area all about 50,000 Chinese acres, about planter organic potato 10,000 Chinese acres. The average per unit area yield about 1,500 kilograms, constitutes the Liaoxi biggest potato main production area with the peripheral villages and towns. The entire town has the potato fresh to store cellar more than 5,000, fresh stores the ability 120,000 tons, in 2000 is named by the Chinese area development promotion agency as the Chinese –Jianping potato production base. In 2003 is named by the county government as the potato production specialized town. In 2004 at the Liaoning first session international agricultural product trade fair, ″the royal crown sign ″ potato has the honor to receive the high quality agricultural product prize.

      Since has entered the new century, we embark from the town sentiment, the utilization new Industrialization idea rehas planned the entire town economical development mentality, establishes has set up the town by the potato, township of the construction potato developmental strategy, the plan constructs 1,100 Chinese acres potatoes processings sale garden area, and comprehensive implementation seed tuber breeding and the potato intensive processing project, plan with 23 years in a big way completes Liaoxi my town to escape the poisonous potato seed tuber breeding base, the organic potato starch, the starch noodles production base. 


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